Onloya Absatornal Bitseneye ~ Victory to God's Warriors
Or something along those lines. I don't know whether I believe in them. Not all of 'God's Warriors' seem to deserve victory. That's just me though, and I'm no one special.

Sunday, 17 August 2008

Went to see the Commander

Well he didn't kill me straight off, which was a start. Another big, powerful looking man I had to deal with. Place is full of them. I was scared, I don't mind admitting it, not because I was scared about what they'd say, but because I was scared of what they'd do, scared they might suddenly attack me. I know it sounds stupid, but when you've been brought up like I have, it's nigh on impossible to stop thinking they might attack. Anyway, he basically said that he was impressed with my fighting skills--he'd seen a film of me fighting that demon, and another of me fighting Imran--but he was concerned I wasn't settling in, so I was to spend a few weeks with Eagle until I feel more at home in the force and more confident in myself so I don't have to fight to prove a point or something like that. Can't remember the exact words because I was almost shaking with fear. It's stupid, it really is, but I can't help it. Oh well. Hopefully I'll manage spending time with Eagle without making a complete prat of myself and legging it or attacking him or something.
I'd better go now. I'm not really supposed to be on the computer doing this at work, but I just wanted to get my feelings out.

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